Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Harshit invites wrath of co-contestants

It is well known fact that reality shows have their own share of stress and tension. As the stakes are high one finds contestants resorting to every trick in trade to emerge victorious. In the on going battle at Jo Jeeta Wohi Superstar it is alleged that Harshit is walking the extra mile to appease the judges on the show.
Harshit Saxena, the latest Challenger to have joined the Champion squad on Jo Jeeta Wohi Superstar is not quite a favourite with his co-participants especially Vineet Singh and Rahul Vaidya. It is widely observed by the contestants that Harshit is full of pretense and makes an extra effort to impress the judges with his flattering comments such as ‘I am privileged to have a chance to sing in front of you,’ etc.
Harshit scored a perfect 30 consecutively in Friday and Saturday’s episodes and his phenomenal performance has left his co-participants anxious that he could turn out to be the underdog of the show and may land up stealing the jury’s praises and the audiences’ votes.
Vineet says, “It’s not just about Harshit but anybody who resorts to such antics. We hear people saying that they would give anything to work with the judges. so Don’t all of us desire to work with them?”
The other contestant, Rahul Vaidya however finds Harshit to be an introvert. He says, “Harshit is very talented but the only issue I have with him is that he is always very serious and keeps to himself.”

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